Application Drink Manager provides easy-to-use overview of beverages you drank, and gives you insight in your blood alcohol.
As a bonus it easily tell you how much you have to pay. Nobody fools you anymore.
Main features:
- compatibility with Android from version 2.1
- build for compatibility with Android 4.1
- optimized for most common screen resolutions 320 x 240, 432 x 240, 480 x 320, 800 x 480, 960 x 540, 1280 x 800
- optimized support for landscape view
- custom UI style
- unified style using customized AOSP* resources
- full localization for Slovak, Czech, English(default, GB, US), default is "EUROpean" i.e. in english with currency €
- possibility to modify settings according to personal preferences, on application side, and improvement of statistics based on entered personal info, such as gender and weight for more accurate blood alcohol
- basic alcoholic drinks, posibility to pre-define price in your favourite bar/pub/restaurant
- Drink POI feature with Google Maps API v2 using multi-touch gestures
- ability to mark your favorite pub
- after tap on POI you can see details
- My places feature which enables to manage your marked places
- set places name, note and rating
- from clear overview of all your places edit and update or even remove mark
- see you personalized marks on map or navigate to them
- future plan in implementing history and enhanced statistics
Stay tuned for next release ;)
Please comment if you like the application, feedback is appreciated :)
Bugs and suggestions how to make project better please submit to my developer e-mail.
Statistics from application are only informational, and developer is not responsible for driving under the influence of alcohol.
You should drink responsibly and only under the the law limits of your country.
Android Open Source Project resources used under Apache 2.0 license
* AOSP = Android Open Source Project
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">应用饮料经理提供易于使用的概述你喝的饮料,让你了解在你的血液中酒精含量。
- 采用Android从2.1版本的兼容性
- 建立与Android 4.1的兼容性
- 优化最常见的屏幕分辨率为320×240,432×240,480×320,800×480,960×540,1280×800
- 优化支持横向视图
- 自定义UI风格
- 统一的风格,使用定制的AOSP *资源
- 斯洛伐克语,捷克语,英语(默认情况下,GB,美国)的完全本地化,默认是“欧洲”,即在英语货币€
- 根据个人喜好来修改设置,应用方面的可能性,提高统计数据的基础上输入的个人信息,如性别和体重更准确的血液酒精
- 基本的酒精饮料,在您最喜爱的酒吧/酒馆/餐厅预先定义价格posibility
- 喝POI使用多点触摸手势功能与谷歌地图API V2
- 能够标记你最喜欢的酒吧
- 自来水POI后,你可以看到细节
- 我的位置“功能,让您可以管理您显着的地方
- 设置的地方名称,票据及评级
- 从你所有的地方一目了然编辑和更新,甚至删除标记
- 你看地图或导航到他们的个性化标志
- 未来计划实施的历史和增强统计
Android开源项目Apache 2.0许可下使用的资源
* AOSP Android开源项目</div> <div class="show-more-end">